Lecture by Samuel Issacharoff from NYU Law School

On 22 January 2024, we had the honor of welcoming Professor Samuel Issacharoff from New York University School of Law to EBS Law School. In his lecture with the title »Is this America’s Weimar? American Democracy in a Time of Extremism« he focused in particular on the American electoral system and its effects on parties and voters. More than 80 people had followed the invitation and enjoyed the exciting presentation.

On top of that, an exclusive workshop was organized for the doctoral students of EBS Law School, in which Samuel Issacharoff shared his experiences in the academic world and gave helpful inside tips for their academic future.

Samuel Issacharoff is the Bonnie and Richard Reiss Professor of Constitutional Law at NYU Law School. He is one of America’s leading constitutional law scholars and has been a prominent voice in democratic theory and comparative constitutional law for many years. He is one of the most cited legal scholars.

On behalf of EBS Law School we would like to thank him for his visit and his fascinating views on democracy!