Elected Dean of the EBS Law School

Source: Press release by the EBS University press office from Febraury 7, 2018

Legal expert Prof. Emanuel V. Towfigh is in future responsible for the academic management of the EBS Law School. The professors’ council of the law faculty followed the President’s proposal and elected the Professor of Public Law and Legal Theory unanimously. Professor Markus Ogorek had tendered his resignation as Dean of the Law School, effective from March 1, in order to be able to apply himself more intensely to his responsibilities as President of the EBS Universität.

“Emanuel Towfigh is a renowned legal expert who will be promoting both research and teaching at the EBS Law School with innovative ideas and who is committed to further developing the link between our two faculties”, President Professor Markus Ogorek is pleased to say. Towfigh will be instrumental in further fine-tuning the research profile of the EBS Law School and bringing forward the faculty’s internationalisation by introducing an LL.M Programme in 2019. New and pressing interdisciplinary topics are to be developed and explored, in cooperation with the faculty. He is particularly interested in implementing new didactic concepts in the undergraduate law degree programme. “Law, and the study of law, are facing far-reaching changes at present. Our most urgent task as a university is therefore to prepare our graduates in the best possible way for the changing conditions”, says Towfigh.

Emanuel V. Towfigh (39) studied law and economics at the universities of Münster and Nanjing. He gained a doctorate at the Universität Münster in 2005. Subsequently, he was a Senior Research Fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut researching into community assets, from 2007 to 2016, as well as researching and teaching as a Global Research Fellow at the New York Universty and as Visiting Professor at the University of Virginia. He was awarded his habilitation in December 2014 with an award-winning thesis about the “Party Paradox. A contribution towards determining the relationship between democracy and political parties”. Three visiting professorships followed at the Universities of Göttingen, Münster and Berlin. Since January 2016, Towfigh has held the Chair of Public Law, Empirical Legal Research and Economics of Law (Public Law III) at the EBS Law School.