Prof. Dr. Niels Petersen Visits Peking University School of Transnational Law

At the invitation of Prof. Dr. Emanuel V. Towfigh, Prof. Dr. Niels Petersen held a lecture on »Equality, Climate Change and Future Generations« at Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL) in Shenzhen/China on 29 November, 2024. The lecture dealt with the challenges of climate change and its impact on equality and the rights of future generations.

As part of the »Law & Economics« lecture series held by Prof. Dr. Emanuel V. Towfigh at STL, Prof. Petersen and Prof. Towfigh also gave a joint session based on their book »Economic Methods for Lawyers« (Elgar). The lecture was followed by a lively discussion with students, which provided a variety of perspectives on the issues covered. We would like to thank Prof. Petersen for his enriching contribution!

[Translated by DeepL]