I. Academic Presentations
- 5 February 2025, Diversity in Jurisprudence and Legal Practice, EBS Universität, Oestrich-Winkel/Germany
- 7 November 2024, Informative event »Initiation of proceedings to determine the unconstitutionality of the AfD«, German Bundestag, Berlin/Germany
- 28/29 September 2024, Lecture »Challenges and Implications of Automated Decision-Making Systems in Anti-Discrimination Law«, PKU STL, Shenzen/China
- 20 September 2024, Closing remarks and anniversary toast for the 25th anniversary of the GLJ, Harnack-Haus, Berlin/Germany
- 29 August 2024, Lecture »Navigating Non-Discrimination in the Digital Age«, MPI Summer School, Berlin/Germany
- 8 July 2024, ICON•S: Resilience of Global Administrative Law & the Private/Public Divide, Madrid/Spain
- 25 June 2024, AfD Ban: No ban is also no alternative (digital trial lecture for prospective students), EBS Universität, Wiesbaden/Germany
- 27 February 2024, Workshop »Racism: What response options do the state and administration have?«, University of Konstanz/Germany
- 11 January 2024, Expert discussion on protection against discrimination through algorithmic decision-making systems, with Prof. Dr. Indra Spieker gen. Döhmann and Ferda Ataman, Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, Berlin/Germany
- 24 October 2023, Fireside Chat, »Opportunities of digital learning and teaching« – Can flipped classroom work in law studies?, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder and Live-Stream
- 30 August 2023, Press Conference, Discrimination through algorithms, presentation of the report for the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, Berlin
- 21 May 2023, Complexity and Clarity of Standards, or: Laws are made for Lawyers, part of »Language of Law« of the Master’s degree program »Culture – Language and Media«, Europa-Universität Flensburg
- 12 May 2023, »Dilemma of Difference«: Constitutional and Sociopolitical Perspectives, Constitutional Symposium Germany as a Country of Immigration, University of Konstanz/Germany
- 11 May 2023, Public Hearing: Introduction of a Basic Right to Education, Hessian State Parliament (Main Committee), Wiesbaden/Germany
- 18 April 2023, Oral hearing in the case of »Normenkontrolle Bundeswahlrecht«, Federal Constitutional Court (Second Senate), Karlsruhe/Germany
- 9 March 2023, Die Regulierung der juristischen Person – Gedanken zu einem Allgemeinen Körperschaftsrecht, lecture series Regulating Economy – Business Law Talks, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz/Austria
- 07 March 2023, Non-discriminatory and equal-opportunity decision-making and examination, further training for judges together with Dr. Andreas Glöckner, Leipzig District Court, Leipzig/Germany
- 26 January 2023, The Protests in Iran: Are There Prospects for Liberalization?, a discussion with Prof. Dr. Ebrahim Afsah, University of Münster, Münster/Germany
- 19 January 2023, Public Hearing: Voting Rights from 16 onwards in State Elections, Hessian State Parliament (Main Committee), Wiesbaden/Germany
- 06 December 2022, The Party Paradox, World Congress of Constitutional Law (International Association of Constitutional Law), Workshop 7: Democratic Decay: Causes and Remedies, Johannesburg/South Afrika
- 25 November 2022, Algorithm-based decisions in legal practice, panel discussion with the Hessian Minister of Justice Prof. Dr. Roman Poseck, Katja Nikolaus and Dr. Julia Schweitzer, EBS Law Congress, Wiesbaden/Germany
- 24 November 2022, Women Inspiring Legal Tech – How does Diversity Influence the Future of Law?, panel discussion with Dr. Melanie Epe, Christina Seifert and Christine Funk, EBS Law Congress, Wiesbaden/Germany
- 13 September 2022, Diversity in the Legal Academy and Practice, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Freiburg/Germany
- 06 July 2022, The Party Paradox, ICON•S 2022, Panel »The Future of Political Parties in Constitutional Democracies«, Wrocław/Poland
- 05 April 2022, Öffentliche Anhörung: Wahlrecht ab 16, Hessian State Parliament, Wiesbaden/Germany
- 24 March 2022, Relevanz und Resonanz: Dogmatik und Empirie, Tagung “Rechtsdogmatik: Stand und Perspektiven”, Universität Graz, Graz/Austria
- 22 March 2022, Impulse für eine neue Jurist:innenausbildung, Faculty of Law of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Goettingen/Germany
- 18 November 2021, Keynote »Diversity in Legal Education and Practice«, European Judicial Training Network, Barcelona/Spain
- 16 November 2021, »It‘s complicated«: Zur Beziehung von algorithmischen Entscheidungen und demokratischem Rechtsstaat, lecture series »Algorithmen und demokratische Systeme«, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (virtual)
- 11 November 2021, Religionspolitische Erfahrungen aus Antragsverfahren zur Verleihung der Körperschaftsrechte, Roundtable „Religionspolitik der Vielfalt“, Experteninitiative Religionspolitik, Berlin/Germany
- 14 September 2021, Diversität und Didaktik im Jura-Studium, Interview with Alisha Andert, TalentRocket New Lawyers Podcast (virtual)
- 13 September 2021, Menschenrechte und Digitalisierung, Discussion with Kristina Schönfeldt and Prof. Dr. Sven Laumer, FAU Human Rights Podcast, FAU Center for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (virtual)
- 10 September 2021, Diversität in Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtspraxis, Avicenna Studienwerk (virtual)
- 08 July 2021, Grundrechtsschutz in Europa – Zur Schächt-Entscheidung des EuGH vom 17.12.2020, Discussion with Dr. Carl-Wendelin Neubert, Jurafuchs Podcast »Spruchreif« (virtual)
- 14 June 2021, Geschlechts- und Herkunftsaspekte bei der Benotung juristischer Staatsprüfungen, Ringvorlesung »Reflektionen zu Nationalsozialismus und Rassismusim Rahmen der Juristenausbildung«, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (virtual)
- 05 May 2021, Rechtswissenschaftliche Didaktik: Sequenzierung der Lehre, Lehrrunde der Juristischen Fakultät (virtual)
- 12 April 2021, Effects of Gender and Origin in Grading State Exams in Law in Germany, Peking University School of Transnational Law, Shenzhen/China (virtual)
- 22 February 2021, New Challenges for Human Rights in the Digital Age, Human Rights Panel, Nirma University Institute of Law, Ahmedabad/India (virtual)
- 11 November 2020, Innovation Talk: Recht der Digitalisierung, Legal Innovation Lab, EBS Law School, Wiesbaden/Germany
- 10 November 2020, Effects of Gender and Origin in Grading State Exams in Law in Germany, Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main/Germany
- 25 July 2019, Effects of Gender and Origin in Grading State Exams in Law in Germany, 5th International Conference on Empirical Studies of Judicial Systems, Academia Sinica, Taipei/Taiwan
- 21 July 2019, Digitalization and Empirics: What’s in the Stars for Legal Scholarship and Legal Education?, Panel “The Future Prospective of Empirical Legal Studies”, International Conference on Legal Empirical Studies, Sichuan University, Chengdu/P.R. of China
- 02 July 2019, Digitalization and Empirics: What’s in the Stars for Legal Scholarship and Legal Education?, Panel »Integrating social science and normative legal approaches to comparative constitutional law«, 2019 Annual Conference of the International Society of Public Law (ICON•S), Santiago/Chile
- 15 March 2019, Dealing statistically with discrimination, Workshop »Handbook on anti-discrimination law«, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg/Germany
- 06 December 2018, Discussion: Does politics restrict the freedom of research?, Zeit Konferenz Hochschule und Bildung 2018: Wie frei sind die Hochschulen? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Kooperation zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, Berlin
- 30 November 2018, The digitization of the law as a challenge for education and the labour market, Symposium »Perspectives of commercial law«, EBS Law School Wiesbaden
- 20 November 2018, Vortrag: Geschlechts- und Herkunftseffekte bei der Benotung juristischer Staatsprüfungen (Discussion with Prof. Dr. David von Mayenburg, M.A., Chair of modern legal history, history of canon law and civil law; and Alicia Schwammborn, Equal Opportunity Council of the Faculty of Law), Goethe University Frankfurt
- 15 – 16 November 2018, Panel Discussion on Grading in the State Examinations for Law, Hamburg University
- 11 – 14 October 2018, Cooperation Between the State and Baha’i Communities, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Workshop on »Legal Options for Cooperation Between the State and Muslim Communities«, Cadenabbia, Italy
- 03 – 04 September 2018, The Theological Foundation of Baha’i Law, Workshop »Is There a Legitimation for Religious Law in Secular Societies?«, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- 18 July 2017, Empirical Methods in Law, Munich Series on Public Law Scholarship, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- 12 July 2017, Inaugural Address at EBS Law School, EBS Law School, Wiesbaden
- 06 April 2017, The Reservation of Freedom for Individuals: What are the »Personal Affairs« of Humans as Social Beings?, Symposium »Images of Man in Law«, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen
- 03 April 2017, Workshop Empirical Research in Law Dissertations, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
- 24 March 2017, Perspectives of Empirical Legal Studies in Law School Curricula, Didactics-Workshop, Ruhr-University Bochum
- 02 March 2017, Experience and Handling of Uncertainty in different types of companies (public, family-run and stock market-listed), 7th Austrian Day of the Advisory Board, Business University Vienna
- 08 February 2017, Countering Discrimination in Universities, Public Debate of the Committee for Science and Arts of the State Parliament of Bavaria, Munich
- 14 October 2016, Democracy without Parties, Conference »Future Perspectives«, Karl Franzens University Graz
- 30 June 2016, Was leistet das »Law« in »Law & Economics«?, Doppelvorlesung mit Jens-Uwe Franck (auf Einladung von Prof. Dr. M. Rehberg), University of Rostock
- 02 June 2016, Religious Education in Germany: Constitutional Framework and legal Implementation, Religious Education and its impact on identity, integration and social cohesion: An inter-disciplinary German-Egyptian Research Colloquium, Cairo
- 15 April 2016, Economic Aspects of the Enforcement of Customer Protection Law, Consumer Rights Day 2016, New Paths in the Enforcement of Consumer Law, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Berlin
- 29 May 2015, Empirical Legal Studies and Public Law: A Love Match?, Law & Society Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA (Panel “Public Law and Behavioral Science”) (abgesagt)
- 13 January 2015, Chairman, Panel Risk, Choice and Autonomy, Conference »Choice Architectures in Democracies: Questioning the Legitimacy of Nudging«, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 25 June 2014, Concerning the Grading during the preparation of the examination and in the examination itself, Competence Centre for legal Learning and Teaching, Köln University
- 29 March 2014, Political Parties and the Separation of Powers. Insights of the Public-Choice Theory, Symposion »Parteienwissenschaften«, Düsseldorf University
- Peters, Die Öffentliche Verwaltung (DÖV) 2011, Heft 16, S. 709 – 712
- Drossel, JuristenZeitung (JZ) 69 (2014), Heft 17, S. 857 – 859
- 14 April 2013, Against All Odds. A ‘doctrinal turn’ in Empirical Legal Studies?, Colloquium »The Changing German Landscape of Theorizing Public Law«, New York University
- 10 November 2012, Sticky Rebates: Loyalty Rebates Impede Rational Switching of Consumers, Conference on Empirical Legal Studies (CELS), Stanford University
- 24 September 2012, Game Over. Empirical Support for Gambling Regulation in the US, Early Stage Projects Faculty Workshop, University of Virginia
- 17 January 2012, Democracy Without Parties, Hauser Colloquium, New York University
- 19 July 2011, Particracy and Democratic Representation, Workshop “Paradoxes of Constitutionalism”, 18 – 20 July 2011, University of Dresden
- 5 July 2011, Plebiscites and Catastrophes: A survey study on political participation after the Fukushima incident, Workshop “Interdisciplinary Research on Political Parties”, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn
- 28 April 2011, Skillful Gambling, Law & Economics Colloquium, Center for Advanced Studies in Law and Economics (CASTLE), University of Bonn
- 8 November 2010, The Legal Constitution of the Bahá’í Community. Theological Foundations of the Bahá’í’s Administrative Order, Katholische Studienwoche des Institut für Staatskirchenrecht der Diözesen Deutschlands, Ludwig-Windhorst-Haus, Lingen
- 24 – 25 September 2010, Democratic Representation in the Party State, Conference »Topicality of the Weimar Staatsrechtslehre«, University of Münster
- Wihl, Report »Zur Aktualität der Weimarer Staats- und Verwaltungsrechtslehre«, ARSP vol. 97 (2011), issue 1, pp. 128 – 130
- 19 March 2010, Gambling is Experimenting with Chance: Sports Betting as the Borderline Case of Gambling Law, University of Tübingen
- 20 May 2010, Putting the Law to the Lab. Insight from Legal Experiments, Hamburg Lectures on Law and Economics, Institute of Law and Economics at the University of Hamburg (Video-Stream)
- 17 – 19 September 2009, Sticky Rebates: Rollback Rebates Induce Non-Rational Loyalty in Consumers –- Experimental Evidence, European Association of Law and Economics, 25th Annual Conference 2009, presenting research together with Alexander Morell and Andreas Glöckner, Rome
- 29 August 2009, Sticky Rebates: Irrational Consumer Decisions with Targeted Rollback Rebates, German Society for Psychology, 13th Conference of the Law & Psychology Group, Symposium »Decision Research«, presenting research together with Alexander Morell and Andreas Glöckner, Gießen
- 15 May 2009, Sticky Rebates: Rollback Rebates Induce Non-Rational Loyalty in Consumers — Experimental Evidence, American Law and Economics Association 19th Annual Meeting 2009, Panel 26: Experimental Law and Economics — Contracts, research together with Alexander Morell and Andreas Glöckner, San Diego
- 14 May 2009, Opening Lecture Rollback Rebates Induce Non-Rational Loyalty in Consumers, CLEEN Conference, research together with Alexander Morell and Andreas Glöckner, Tilburg University
- 28 November 2008, Sticky Rebates. Targeted All Unit Discounts under Uncertainty and Risk, presenting research together with Dr. Alexander Morell and Andreas Glöckner, Workshop Behavioral Law & Economics, University of Munich
- 07 October 2008, Discussant, Panel Discussion on State & Religion, together with the President of the Council of the German Protestant Churches Bishop Wolfgang Huber, former President of the German Parliament Rita Süssmuth, upon invitation of the Integration Commissioner of the State Brandenburg Karin Weiss, Potsdam
- 16 December 2006, Religious Plurality in Society. Some Thoughts Pertaining to Legal Policy, Young Legal Scholar Lecture, 10th European Bahá’í Conference on Law (EBCOL), Groesbeek, The Netherlands
- 16 December 2005, Religious Symbols in Public: The Example of the Headscarf, Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, German-Turkish Workshop »State and Religion«
- 11 November 2005, The Constitutional Protection of Religion in a Plural Society, Keynote at the Promotion Ceremony for the Doctors of Law (SJDs), University of Münster
- 15 October 2005, Religious Plurality in Society. Some Thoughts Pertaining to Legal Policy, Annual Conference of the Association for Bahá’í Studies for the German-speaking Europe 2005, Hofheim
- 11 December 2004, The Protection of Religious Minorities under German Law, German-Turkish Workshop »Religion in a pluralistic society«, Istanbul Kültür Üniversitesi
- 28 November 2004, From the Prohibition of the Headscarf to the Muezzin’s Call for Prayer: The Legal Framework for the Exercise of Religious Freedom in Germany, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Olpe
II. Hosted Academic Events
- 08 October 2024, Lecture »America Votes – including tougher market conditions for Germany« with Josef Braml (together with Michael Goldhammer), EBS Law School, Wiesbaden
- 28 – 29 September 2024, Conference »Comparative AI Law: Regulating the Future«, Peking University School of Transnational Law, Shenzen
- 20 September 2024, 25. Jubiläum des German Law Journal, Harnack-Haus, Berlin
- 22 January 2024, Lecture »Is this America’s Weimar? American Democracy in a Time of Extremism« with Samuel Issacharoff, EBS Law School, Wiesbaden
- 20 April 2023, Lecture »Access to Justice« with Astrid Wallrabenstein, EBS Law School, Wiesbaden
- 07 July 2022, Opening of the BRYTER Center for Digitalization & Law, EBS Law School, Wiesbaden
- 16 January 2020, Empirical Legal Studies Workshop with Yun-chien Chang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan), EBS Law School, Wiesbaden
- 24 – 25 April 2019, German Law Journal 20th Anniversary Symposium »Populism and Constitutionalism«, London School of Economics and Political Science, London
- 05 – 07 July 2011, Workshop Interdisciplinary Research on Political Parties, with Becky Morton (NYU) and Dan Simon (USC), Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn
- 23 + 24 July 2009, Colloquium Rule Creation, Rule Techniques and Rule Effects, together with Jens Binder and Florian Möslein, Bonn
- 10 – 13 March 2009, »Law + Market« — 49th Conference of Junior Public Law Faculty, together with Holger Grefrath, Anne Lange, Sebastian Lutz-Bachmann, Niels Petersen, Klaus Ulrich Schmolke, Bonn
- 07 December 2006, Symposium Islam and Constitutional Protection [Intelligence Services], together with Janbernd Oebbecke, Bodo Pieroth, Sven Kalisch, University of Münster
- 06 July 2006, Sympoisum The Position of Women in Muslim Religious Education [in public schools in Germany], together with Janbernd Oebbecke, Bodo Pieroth, Sven Kalisch, University of Münster
- 30 November – 01 December 2005, Symposium Muslim Religious Education [in public schools in Germany], together with Janbernd Oebbecke, Bodo Pieroth, Sven Kalisch, University of Münster
(Status: 27.01.2025)