Emanuel V. Towfigh and Svea Alberti, Hätte ein Parteiverbotsverfahren gegen die »Alternative für Deutschland« (AfD) Aussicht auf Erfolg? [German], in DVBl 2024, issue 10, pp. 601-109.
In this new essay, Emanuel V. Towfigh and Svea Alberti examine whether a ban procedure against the right-winged German political party AfD would have a chance of success and whether such a procedure is appropriate in terms of legal policy. The text thus takes a stance on the debate surrounding a potential ban on the party in the current social discourse and offers a new perspective.
»Based on the concept of contentious democracy, this article examines the instruments provided by the Basic Law for combating anti-constitutional parties. Based on the AfD’s program and characteristic statements by its members, the prospects of success of a party ban procedure are examined in concrete legal terms and the political rationality of such a decision is reflected upon.«
[Translated by DeepL]