#Ehrenmann: Social diversity in teaching
by Emanuel V. Towfigh
[ PDF ] [ Verfassungsblog ] Towfigh, Emanuel V.: #Ehrenmann: Gesellschaftliche Vielfalt in der Lehre, VerfBlog, 2020/7/23, https://verfassungsblog.de/ehrenmann-gesellschaftliche-vielfalt-in-der-lehre/ (DOI: 10.17176/20200723-115342-0).
The metamorphosis from the Bonn Republic to the new Berlin Republic may be a fitting symbol of how drastically social realities have changed in many respects in the new millennium. Many aspects of this change, the confrontation with and the opening up to diversity have triggered social debates and political negotiation processes, which have often been conducted by means of law and have been significantly accompanied by legal scholarship, and which have been reflected in the law. Law students have also become noticeably more diverse.
In view of these circumstances, education at law faculties has also had to change; not only insofar as the objects of law have changed, dogmatics, jurisprudence, and jurisprudential literature have evolved, or because interdisciplinarity and internationality have become more important, but more profoundly because the conflict resolution and coordination tasks to be handled with the means of law as an instrument of behavioral control have changed.