Junior Researcher
E-Mail: jan.zepf@students.ebs.edu
Dissertation topic: Conflicts of Interest of Members of the German Bundestag
Jan Zepf studied Law and Economics at the EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht in Wiesbaden (Germany) and at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield (UK). He graduated with the First State Examination in Law in 2021 specializing in Public Commercial Law.
From December 2021 until December 2023, Jan Zepf was a Junior Researcher and PhD Candidate at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Emanuel V. Towfigh. In the course of his dissertation, he examines conflicts of interest of members of the German Bundestag. In his work, he first addresses the question how conflicts of interest can be analyzed from the perspective of game theory by using methods of legal economics. This is followed by a legal dogmatic examination of the existing regulations for handling conflicts of interest of members of parliament. The aim of the dissertation is to develop reform recommendations for the law on members of parliament de lege ferenda by drawing a legal comparison with other legal systems.